Chia-Chun Xu


1997年生, 於2015年開始以Berserk名義進行Harsh Noise演出及創作, 初期以自製樂器產生的大量Feedback和合成器為主, 而後開始專注於效果器no-input的手法, 以大量效果器串接/錯用, 進而在內部產生出一連串多變且難以控制的反饋, 並透過大量的破音扭曲, 放大其音色. 受日本噪音, Death Metal, Hardcore Punk等音樂影響, 以高能量, 大音量且極具身體性的激烈現場演出聞名. 而在2017年, 他開始以本名使用no-input mixer, 短波收音機等媒材與自由即興樂手或民間談講者合作, 若以Berserk名義演出的Harsh Noise是其”外放”的創作型態, 他以本名的創作則是其”內斂”的表現, 雖同樣操縱電子雜訊, 但更注重於聲音與所在空間, 他者的對話關係, 以及聲音本身的細節和層次. 除創作者的身分外, 另為新興實驗音樂廠牌MKUltra ProductionsKarma Detonation TapesOuter Pulsation主理人, 不定期發行台灣以及世界各地噪音, 實驗音樂等作品, 希冀盡其微薄之力將台灣的場景與世界連結並推廣.

Short Bios

Born in 1997, Xu set out performing and producing harsh noise under the alias “Berserk” since 2015. Initially, he focused on playing rough feedback from handmade instruments and synthesizers before carrying on specializes in no-input effects. Influenced by Japanoise, Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, his live performance is known for highly intense physical energy and massive volume. In 2017, he turned to combining various equipments including no-input mixer and shortwave radio to session with Free Improvisation musicians and folk narrator. His works as Chia-Chun Xu emphasize more on the interaction between sounds, space, and the others. Besides working on his projects, he also runs his music labels “MKUltra Productions” and Karma Detonation Tapes, promoting Taiwanese and worldwide noise and experimental musicians.

Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the seeds in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.