Jyun-Ao Caesar

Photo by Etang Chen

Short Bios

Jyun-Ao Caesar’s music can be described as an approach toward the composition of Pan-Musique Concrète as proposed by Dajuin Yau. His experience with signal processing, analog amplification, and field recording, as well as his knowledge of space and time led to his adoption of the instrument.

He is also a member of Saint Sloth Machine. His compositions for the group aim to represent a certain contemplation of humanism and modernity in a non-realist way.

As an improvisor, he has played with Dino, Motoki Yoshinori, Paal Nilssen-Love, Otomo Yoshihide, Yong Yandsen, Rabito Arimoto, Park Daham, Kyosuke Terada, Lala Reich, Thierry Monnier and some others not named.


Jyun-Ao Caesar以泛具象音樂與極簡主義創作。他在訊號處理、類比放大與田野錄音的經驗以及他對時空的知識,直接或間接地導致了他的演奏方式。近幾年來尋找著適合與他的吉他互動的機材,這些器材允許他即時地控制變化的參數並佈局聲音的幻象位置,並透過這樣的方式掌握著自己的演奏,在確定性與即興之間取得適當的平衡。

同時是即興樂手,曾經與Dino, Motoki Yoshinori, Paal Nilssen-Love, Otomo Yoshihide, Yong Yandsen, Rabito Arimoto, Park Daham, Kyosuke Terada, Lala Reich, Kok Siew-Wai Tsuruya Genizai, Soma, Lisa Lai等音樂家共演。



with Lala Reich el al, as SSMO

with Lala Reich & Otomo Yoshihide

at Merdogon Records

at Senko Issha

at Ting Shuo Hear Say comming soon…

at Bardo Pond comming ???

Notes mentioning this note

Here are all the seeds in this garden, along with their links, visualized as a graph.